DER WALD WIRD CHOR 08.06. 18:00
from 09 June till 20 August 2023
Hohenzollerndamm 176
10713 Berlin

Georgia Krawiec, Waldküre I, 2022, Klangobjekt
Christoph Both-Asmus, Andreas Greiner, Joanna Hoffmann, georgia Krawiec, Andrei Loginov, Krzysztof Maniak, Anne Peschken und Marek Pisarsky (Urban Art), Karen Scheper
Today, we are interested in the networks in which we are interwoven with other non-human actors. The forest can be viewed as such a network, where plants, animals, and humans meet. Additionally, the forest is a multisensory phenomenon, a web of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. Johann Gottfried Herder was already aware of this and compared the forest to a choir in his poem "Der Wald und der Wanderer" [i]. The works of several artists who view the forest as a choir in their pieces form a kind of symbiotic network in the space of the Kommunale Galerie Berlin. This is a forest in the middle of the city where environmental activists, trees, and animals come together. Herder is also recognized as a philosopher who was one of the first to value the tactile and physical nature of experience. In the case of the exhibition "The Forest Becomes a Choir," it is, therefore, a matter of physically and sensually feeling one's way into the forest.
Curated by Marta Smolińska